Internationale Presse


Artikel in "Newsfront" (Organ zur Veröffentlichung von Nachrichten im Bereich des Schiffbaus)

"Crete's Iraklion Port Authority has started the tendering process for the
development of infrastructure and installations at the Cretan port of Timbaki.
Considerable interest has been expressed in the development of a privately-operated
container transhipment terminal at Timbaki, with Chinese interests already having
inspected the region from the ground and from the air. The Iraklion port authority
notified the European Commission (EC) on September 6 that a call will soon go out
for 'letters of intent' for the project which has a budget of Euro 800m to Euro 1bn."

NEWSFRONT 14 September 2007 Vol. 8 / No. 34


In der Ausgabe der "Patris" vom 12.04..2007 wird aus zuverlässiger ( ? ) Quelle von einem Stopp des Projektes berichtet.

Eine deutsche Übersetzung liegt noch nicht vor, in der Überschrift steht das Projekt sei ( zunächst-definitiv ? ) gestoppt worden.
Von offiziellen Stellen und vor Ort ist noch nichts zu erfahren. Der Bürgermeister von Timbaki sagt er hätte keine Informationen.
Eine Studie der NTUA ( National Technical University of Athens ) spricht von sehr negativen Folgen für die Wirtschaft,
die Öksysteme und den Tourismus der Gegend. Die Studie wurde dem Ministerium für Handelsmarine ( YEN ) übergeben.

"12th April 2007: According [Patris, 12th April 2007], the study from the NTUA
has been delivered to the YEN. This information is confirmed by the NTUA.
According Patris, which declares having very serious sources, the study strongly
points out the negative impact that the transshipment center would have on all
the south coast of Crete, especially at environmental level. "Without ignoring
the positive progress that a transshipment center would bring for the
develomment of the Messara and Crete, the specialists forecast severe
consequences for the area - especially Agia Galini", due to its touristic
The consequences of the project on the ecosystems, as well as the visual
pollution, is also pointed out.
The mayor of Timbaki declares that he did not get any information, and that the
study has not been yet transmitted to the municipality. The answer of the
prefecture of Heraklion is the same.
The rector of the NTUA, who was also head of the team in charge of the study,
declares that the study will be transmitted to the OLH and local authorities
within the next days."

( Auszug aus dem Forum von Beitrag von Ton. )